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Your #1 Hawkesbury Dealership

Rendez-vous Nissan is your number-one Nissan Hawkesbury dealership. Our experts are here to respond to your questions, and are happy to help with any and all of your needs. Whether it's for our service department, genuine Nissan parts, trade evaluations, or exploring our wide range of new and used inventory, count on us for a smooth and hassle-free experience.

For over 25 years, Rendez-vous Nissan has proudly served as the premier Hawkesbury dealership, offering top-notch service and quality vehicles. Throughout our longstanding presence in the community, we've built strong relationships, earning trust and loyalty. Additionally, our commitment to excellence means we continually adapt to meet the evolving needs of Hawkesbury residents and businesses. As we reflect on our journey spanning more than two decades, we're grateful for the opportunity to continue serving as the go-to destination for all automotive needs in Hawkesbury.

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